6 Months 1:1  Results Coaching For Busy Leaders 

Discover The One Thing That is Preventing You From Achieving Your 

Three Year Goals in 6 Months



Yes! I am Ready to Discover The 1 Thing Holding me Back
There are only two 1:1 COACHING SPACES LEFT

James is an owner of a wealth management firm. He believed that his biggest problem was time management and workload.

But on the complimentary call we discovered that his biggest problem, the one thing that was preventing him to achieve his goals was self-management or Mind Management.

James had big three-year goals. So when I first said he could achieve that in 6 months, it sounded unrealistic to him.

But he decided to trust the process and believe in him. After learning and following the process for 5 months and 2 weeks James had achieved all his 3-year goals and he had created extra 15 hours of free time in his week.

What happened for James can also happen for you, if you decide to take action.


On the strategy call, you will


  • get clarity on the things that you need to fix in your business so that you are not run by your business, instead your business is run by you.
  • discover the mind shifts that you need to have to come out of the survival loop and get into creation mode.
  • learn the key actions that you need to start creating your dream life without compromising the time with your loved ones, your health, and your mental wellbeing.

And if we both think that we are a good fit, then I will tell you how you can join our Extraordinary Results Coaching Program.

This 1:1 Coaching Program is designed to teach you a step-by-step process that you can follow to achieve your 'Impossible' goals in business while gaining more time, and energy to enjoy and create things in your personal life.

It's designed to show you how to slow down to move fast, and to give you a blueprint to become your Superhuman Self.



What if you could Focus deeper and longer on Important tasks that are going to move you closer towards your Goals?


What if you could end procrastination and take consistent action week after week without getting distracted?


What if you had the clarity to see exactly what you want and how to get it, every time you had to make a decision?


What if you could end over-thinking, and the constant mental energy drain, stress, and anxiety it causes?

This Strategy Call is for Busy Mums/Dads who have competing commitments and big goals.


It is for entrepreneurs and leaders who struggle with a lack of focus, energy, and time to work on their dreams.


It is for Business Owners who feel like they are stuck in a survival loop, constantly solving problems and never making progress.


This is NOT for someone who is happy to live a compromised life.


It is NOT for someone with no goals.


It is NOT for someone who lacks the commitment to live their true potential.


"Anurag is one of the best Executive Coaches I have come across. He can really help you transform your life and business. He explains powerful concepts by using simple stories and metaphors giving you a new perspective on things and making change much accessible."

- Kunal Seth Founder & MD, Save The Date

Do you find it a constant struggle to balance your business goals with your family life, health, and internal wellbeing?


A lot of High Performing Business Men have been in the same spot. They deal with similar situations as you, every day. The biggest key is to know that it is NOT your fault, but it is Important. And there is a better way.

I have put together the most powerful elements of Neuroscience, Human Psychology and Executive Coaching to create a program that will give you the tools and strategies to get the results you want, without compromising the things you love.

Yes! I Am Ready To Discover The One Thing That is Preventing Me to Live My True Potential

How Does The Coaching Program Work?

My Coaching has three main elements and they are based on my years of experience and research on human potential and mind. 

Element 1


In our very first 2 sessions, we sit down to create a strategy for how you can achieve your 2022 Goals in 6 months. We start with where you want to be by the end of the program in business and personal life. We then work our way back to give us monthly and weekly targets.

Element 2


We meet once every week for a 60-minute session to discuss your progress and hold you accountable for taking your weekly actions. In these sessions, we also review our strategy and adjust if needed.

 Element 3


We understand that no matter how clever and clear our strategy is, you can only take action if you have the energy, time, and mental health to do so. Therefore we use our proven framework to 10X your productivity and happiness by making small shifts in your lifestyle and mindset.

What Results Should I Expect From the Coaching?

 ✅ More time to spend with Family

✅ Feel more happy, fulfilled and full with energy

✅ Wake up every day knowing exactly the steps you need to take to create your dream life

And also...

Improved Focus

A laser-like focus to work on important tasks without getting distracted.

Super Clarity

You would have absolute clarity on what you want in your life and business, and how to create it.

Unshakeable Resilience

Adversity and Uncertainty will have no impact on your inner world. They will only build you into a stronger leader.

Fearless Attitude

You would have a rock-solid mindset of a high-achiever, with high self-esteem and a can-do attitude.

Improved Mental Health

You would live a Stress, Anxiety, and Worry Free life. Nothing outside you will disturb your inner peace.

3 Dimensional Growth

By the end of the program, you would be a healthier, happier, and more present version of yourself.

Superhuman Self

Based on scientific research the key to high performance is to operate in a state of flow. Flow is a state where you are fully present and in the zone. Being a Superhuman means being a Super Dad, Super Life Partner, Super Leader, and Super Self.



Book A Complimentary Strategy Call

What Will I Learn on the Call?

The process that I will share with you can transform your life and business.

After the call you would know exactly:

 ✅ How to have more time to spend with Family.

✅ How to feel happier, fulfilled, and full of energy.

✅ How to wake up every day knowing the exact steps you need to take to create your dream life.

And also how to create...


Improved Focus

A laser-like focus to work on important tasks without getting distracted.



Super Clarity

You would have absolute clarity on what you want in your life and business, and how to create it.



Unshakeable Resilience

Adversity and Uncertainty will have no impact on your inner world. They will only build you into a stronger leader.



Fearless Attitude

You would have a rock-solid mindset of a high-achiever, with high self-esteem and a can-do attitude.



Improved Mental Health

You would live a Stress, Anxiety, and Worry Free life. Nothing outside you will disturb your inner peace.



3 Dimensional Growth

By the end of the program, you would be a healthier, happier, and more present version of yourself.



Superhuman Self

Based on scientific research the key to high performance is to operate in a state of flow. Flow is a state where you are fully present and in the zone. Being a Superhuman means being a Super Dad, Super Life Partner, Super Leader, and Super Self.



"Two hours in flow, I can create tremendous things"

- Sir Richard Branson Founder of the Virgin Group



Yes! I AM Ready To Discover How I can Access Flow States of Peak Performance, Focus & Productivity

Why should I book a Call?


Unlike many other coaches, our coaching is not based on some coaching qualification or textbook. It is based on my life experience, my experience of working with hundreds of business owners like you, and most importantly it's based on science.

On our call, I don't just give you information, I will help you to create an action plan to help you in your transformation. I help you identify the one thing that is preventing you from living a happy and fulfilled life.

Our achievements in life are based on only two things our being and our doing. In other words: how do we Feel? and how do we Act? My Coaching is based on Cutting-edge research in Neuroscience, Psychology, and the States of Flow

On our call, I will share with you the tools to be your most powerful, creative, and happy self.

 Imagine your happiest day and then imagine your most productive day. Now combine them together. This is a Flow state. I will show how you can live and breathe this state every single day.

It's not hard as I have developed step by step process to help you reach and stay in this state.


According to the research done by Mckinsey and Company executives who access flow states on a regular basis increase their productivity by 500%

A study observed by Harvard found that individuals who experienced flow state had two days of heightened Creativity


Advanced Brain Monitoring & DARPA observed that subject's skill acquisition was increased by 490%.

According to a study by The University of Sydney, subjects showed a 430% increase in creative problem-solving!


This process has helped many just like you to transform their business and life in less than 6 months


Trusted by 2000+ happy customers

Over 100+ Five Star Reviews

Helped 100+ Entrepreneurs & Leaders

Won Multiple Awards for Our Coaching

In The Next 6 Months, You Could…

  • Finally have time to do things you enjoy
  • Feel healthy, happy, and fulfilled
  • Live a stress-free and worry-free life.

And all this while also achieving your most ambitious goals.....

6 months is all it takes to fully transform your life and business. Imagine what would it mean to be your happiest, most productive, and most loving self. A leader who excels in business and personal life.

Your Investment Is Guaranteed**

We’re confident that if you follow our process, you show up for the weekly calls, and you take the weekly actions, you WILL get the results we agree on.

We know you’ll be amazed at how much you can change your life and business in a short time. You will be able to leverage Anurag's years of research and work in neuroscience, psychology, and executive coaching.
This can give you the “unfair advantage” you need to succeed, no matter what industry you’re in and what's your current life situation. 
And if for some crazy reason you don’t get the results We will refund you the full amount you paid.

NO Other Coach out there offers this type of guarantee**

What Our Clients Say



CEO of a Technology Firm

"Anurag Rai brings out the Genius within You"

Anurag is an absolute genius when it comes to changing beliefs and habits. My business has boomed, my relation with my wife and kids has never been so beautiful. I feel I am on top of my health and I have not been this happy before. Every penny you pay to work with Anurag is totally worth it and 10 times more.


Pub & Property Business

"Transformational Results"

I started the program feeling very stressed juggling multiple businesses. Anurag really helped me through this time, to become calm and focused.

The coaching I received really has transformed my life and my business. I couldn’t recommend Anurag enough, I’m excited to work with him again to propel myself to the next level!


Aberdeen Business Network

"I'm seeing major shifts and benefits"

I've really enjoyed working with Anurag over the last 3 months. It's been fun, positive, and very insightful - with the right level of accountability too!

I'm seeing major shifts and benefits already and am looking forward to the next 3 months.

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About Your Coach


Anurag is a Best Selling Author, Master NLP Practitioner, and Certified Executive Coach, with a strong background in Leadership and Psychology. He has been featured on all major publications including Yahoo Finance, Bloomberg, USA Today, Fox News, Marketwatch and many more.


In Anurag's Words 

A Coach is only as Extraordinary as their client. Don't think of me as your Coach. Think of me as your Guide. Who is here to help you step into your Inner Genius.

Every year I work with a selected number of powerful leaders from all walks of life to help them play at a higher level. 


Yes! I Want To Book a No Obligation Complimentary Coaching Call

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Frequently Asked Questions




"Life is like a Game. A Game that we can not control. The Sooner we understand this, the Better we Play. And while we can not control the game, we can all become a BETTER PLAYER"

- Anurag Rai Your Coach & Founder of Superhuman In You

Yes! I Am Ready to Transform My Life & Business

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IMPORTANT: We do not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Any information shared in the coaching session is solely on extensive experience and research. The results we share are a true reflection of our client's results. However actual results may vary from person to person and will depend on how much effort you put in.


1. You must implement all strategies taught during the coaching or program. You must watch all training videos, review all resources, and complete every corresponding action item discussed in the weekly coaching calls.  You must show documented proof that you have completed the action steps and tracked your results or progress as discussed in weekly sessions. You must show documented proof that you have made attempts to implement all of the strategies taught in the program before requesting a refund.
2. You must leverage Anurag's assistance and knowledge. We care about our students, clients and customers. If there are any questions or concerns regarding your purchase or anything that arises that is preventing you from achieving results, you must email [email protected] for assistance.
You must show documented proof that you have tried emailing with your questions and concerns AT LEAST once before requesting a refund and we will check our records to see how the situation was handled.